When you try to send mail from your Gmail account to another Gmail account you may see Gmail error 534. But when you see this error you should not panic. This problem can be solved easily. This Gmail error 534 occurs mainly while setting the incorrectly configured SMTP.conf file, entering wrong email id and password, for less security of your Gmail account for sending emails and several other reasons. So how can you solve Gmail error 534? Well you can follow below methods to fix Gmail error 534.
Method 1:
a. First sign in to your Gmail account by entering email id and password.
b. Next tap on the following link: Now you need to set the option for “Allow less secure apps” to “ON” mode.
Method 2:
a. You need to go to the link https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha” and then you need to click on “Continue” button.
b. Now you can authenticate your additional email address from your Gmail account.
As mentioned above you can follow method 1 or method 2 to solve your Gmail error 534. If you still need help you can dial Gmail customer service number.
Gmail is one of the best email platforms. Gmail is a Google’s product and it is quite popular email service and so it is used worldwide by millions of users for communication. So Google offers you customer service in several ways. One of the obvious options is that you can go to the official support page of Google and choose Gmail here from the list of Google’s product and look for available help in the form of readily available information on Gmail. You can also get help via email, live chat or community page of Google as per your choice and convenient. If still you don’t find your issue solved then you can dial Gmail Helpline Number to get help related to your Gmail account.