When you have an email and you want to set up a mail client then it is necessary to configure an SMTP server. Setting up SMTP server will take care of the delivery of your emails. You would be happy to know that the configuration of SMTP servers is generally very easy. You will simply have to open your email software and then add the right SMTP parameters in the settings windows. You should keep in your mind that anyhow when you use a standard SMTP the one which is associated to free email providers like Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail does not ensure the correct delivery of all your messages especially if you are sending to a huge number of recipients.
Steps to configure SMTP server to send email
You can follow below steps to configure SMTP server to send email:
First you can select the voice "Account Settings" in your mail client, which you can generally get in the "Tools" menu.
Then choose the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" voice.
Now you can press the "Add" button in order to set a new SMTP. A popup window will appear.
Then you can simply fill the voices as follows:
Description: You need to enter an informal name that you want to identify the server. The best to use the email provider's, like Gmail.
Server Name: Then type the actual SMTP server's specification. You can find it either by contacting the web page of your provider, or you can search for it on our list of server POP and SMTP.
Port: Generally SMTP works with port 25, but it can work also with 587.
Connection security: You need to know that in itself, SMTP email transfer doesn't provide an encryption. So in order to make your connection more secure, it is a good option to use a STARTTLS or SSL/TLS extension, that employ a separate port for encrypted communication.
Authentication method: There are a certain number of methods available like passwords, CRAM-MD5, KERBEROS etc.
User Name: Enter your email address.
This is how you can configure SMTP server to send emails.
Gmail support number
When you need any support for your Gmail account then you have many ways to get support. You can simply check support page on Google website. Here you can choose Gmail to search for support that you need. After that you can also get help via live chat or email option. If you want to talk to representative on phone then you can dial Gmail support number for instant help.