How to restore lost Gmail contacts step by step

Restore lost Gmail contacts

Gmail is an email platform where apart from basis feature of sending and receiving emails you can also do many other activities. You can store all the contacts of not only Gmail but also of other services that you may be using like Outlook, Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo and others. Now if you have a Gmail contact list and you want to use it in Gmail then you can do it. If for some reasons you deleted, synced, imported, or merged contacts then you can restore your lost Gmail contacts. But you can do this for contacts lost in the last 30 days. You can undo those changes that you made like deleting, syncing etc. to retrieve your contacts.

Steps to restore lost Gmail contacts

You should ideally export your Gmail contacts so that you have a back up of all the Gmail contacts. This will keep your contacts safe even you loose them from your Gmail account. You can export Gmail contacts by following below steps:

  1. First you need to go to the old version of Google contacts.
  2. After that click More > Export in the top left.
  3. Then you can select which contacts you want to export

    a.       "My Contacts" are contacts you created. You have two options here.

    b.       "All contacts" are contacts you created and other contacts you have emailed.

  4. Now select Google CSV format.
  5. Then click Export.
  6. Now click your photo in the top right and then click Sign out.

This is how you can export your Gmail contacts in .CSV format which any time you can import and see on your computer.

Now if you f you deleted your Gmail contacts in the last 30 days then you can undo and restore those changes to retrieve your contacts. You should note that when you restore contacts to a certain time, such as one week ago, any contacts added after that time will not show up. You can follow below steps to restore lost Gmail contacts:

  1. Go to Google contacts first.
  2. Then click More > Undo changes.
  3. After that you can choose a time to go back to.
  4. And then click Confirm.

This is how you can restore your lost Gmail contacts up to a time period.

Gmail customer service number

Gmail is widely used email service with millions of users across the world. When it has such a large number is users then it also provides the best customer service to all the Gmail users in any part of the world. You can get support on the support page of Google by choosing Gmail there. You can also receive Gmail customer service via chat and through email. If you want to talk to someone from Gmail on phone then you can dial Gmail customer service number. So, whenever needed to get help or information about Gmail or any feature of it you can simply dial Gmail customer service number and get the help.
